Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Change yor life style is very complicated and many times is connected to your expactaives and personal overcoming. That`s happened whit me when I decided to came to Santiago to estudy and have something important that do whit my life.

I came from a little town in Rancagua where is so calm, people are affectionate and they help you in all moment. In contrast whit Santiago all these good actions desappeared in the moment when I arrived to this big apple.

Citizen are in constantly movement and they don´t think in the way and consequents for make the things that they want to do.

A common example is when you are in subway, people charge you and attack to you no matter what you feel, the important for these busy people is get in to the wagon without cost.

Big cities are growing and growing, that´s brings important changes to the people´s life that live there and essential ways of communication and interaction of bad o good manner.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Nowadays alternative or complementary therapies are popular in health system and our life. Many doctors are in disagreements in this way of treatment, because they think that there are not many estudies about thousand of year old sciences.

One of the most well known alternatives therapies is Relaxing Technique; this way is use by people whit high stress levels.

Relaxation is a conscience state when muscles are in rest, which is search voluntary and freely with the aim to percieve the highest levels that human beings can reach, such as calmness, peace and happiness. This method can manage to experience the freedom of living in the condition of conscience that we wish.

This Alternative medicine gives us possibilities to change our life style, in our crazy society, where people is always running and do not have time for enjoy free time, relaxation can help us to calm the tension of routine.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

About me

Hi classmates! My name is Rosa Quintanilla Olea, I prefer that people call my Nany because is the shortest way. I was born in Rancagua and soon I will be my birthday.
During weekends I travel at my home in a small town calls Quinta de Tilcoco (funny name), in sixth region. The rest of week I live here, in Santiago with my cousin, Andres.
I have two siblings, Angela my oldest sister, she is my best friend and all time we are together, when I have any problem she is there ever, and Francisco, my younger pokemon brother. He is fifteen and he always is playing soccer and computer games with his friends at my home.
My family is the typical Chilean family with many things to do and little time to do it.
I have many friends and I do the same things that common people do, like study and work, sometimes I think that I am not interesting person, but people who know me appreciate and value my friendship and happiness.
This is my
Thanks for reading!